WHY is it important to do pesticide analyses in food?

Pesticides are chemical preservatives used in foods against factors as insects, fungi, weed, mite etc. Although it is allowed up to a certain limit, pesticides can cause serious damages when used above limit.

  • Chemicals taken into body can cause toxic effect.
  •  Pesticides mixed in the air can be transported by wind and may come back to solid with rain, fog or snow. By this way, pesticides can cause toxicity and residual in nontarget organisms and plants.
  • Pesticides can be transferred to fetus when mother takes it into the body through nutrition.
  • Blood cells may be affected from pesticides in terms of deformation.
  • Enzyme activity can be badly affected.
  • Pesticides have carcinogenic activities.


Due to these types of serious hazards, performing pesticide analyses is a must.
For further information about pesticide analyses you can contact us.

Mail: info@atakademi.com

Tel: 0 (212) 437 08 71